Archive for the xbtt Category

HOW TO for PG Example Tracker VM

Posted in gazelle, xbtt on November 30, 2009 by calebrulez

Now that I downloaded the VM what do i do.

Powering on the VM
1. unzip the file  to a seperate folder
2. downoad and install vmware workstation/player/fusion
3.Open the Debian 5.vmx file with vmware app and power on the VM

Accessing the Website
4. Once the VM is up and running, log into it using the root account (username root, password gazelle)
5. find out the ip address of the vm by running “ipconfig”. This is assuming the VM is connected to a network that has a dhcp server (usually a router or dsl modem) up and running.
6. Open your browser and point to the ip address of the VM, for example to access your gazelle website. You can also access the vm using ssh.

Configuring the tracker
7. “cd /etc/xbtt” and then type “xbtt_tracker”. this will start the tracker.
8. By default the tracker is bound to ip, if your ip address is different you have the change it on the xbttdb.
mysql -u root -pgazelle
use xbttdb
select * from xbt_config;
update xbt_config set value = 'Your_Servers_IP' where value = '';

btw the hope is to fix the configuring tracker with some webui in the next release. and probably ship phpwebmin to ease db updates and edits.

Gazelle Example Tracker in a Virtual Machine

Posted in gazelle, General, xbtt on November 28, 2009 by calebrulez

Project Gazelle v1.0r27 and xbtt Bittorrent Tracker in a Virtual Machine

If you interested in p2p or file-sharing world you would by now know all about Project Gazelle, well if not this or this would be a good place to start.

Okay by now, am assuming you know Gazelle and the new improved xbtt tracker are awesome and want to play with it and see if  it could be the answer for your dream/itch/need to run your own indie music or file-sharing community tracker.

Unfortunately installation, configuration and maintenance is a little involved and many people may be put off by the level of complexity. So here is the solution. Download this virtual machine, run a test/dev tracker on your lan, break it, fix it, enhance it and when you are ready you will know, and we will have one more sysop to keep the hydra growing 😉

Now about the VM itself:

Debian 5.0.3 32-bit
Installation Type: Minimal (no Desktop, no GUI, no nothing, Only SSH)
Networking: Bridged/DHCP
RAM: 512 MB (configurable by editing the Debian 5.vmx file)
Disk: 8.0 GB (should be enough for test/dev)
VMware Tools: TBD

Username/Password Details:

Default User Name/password – sysop/gazelle
Root Password: “gazelle”
sysop username/password sysop/gazelle
mysql root password “gazelle”
Gazelle DB Name: xbttdb
Gazelle DB User: xbttdbusr
Gazelle DB password: “xbttdbpwd”

Folders and conf files
Apache config for front-end is /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default
Gazelle front end is installed on /site
xbtt conf file is at /etc/xbtt/xbt_tracker.conf
Gazelle Config file is at /site/clasess/config.php

Download Information
For now the download is only available via bittorrent at TPB.
File Size: 615.21 MiB
Compression: ZIP

This release is NOT intended for production. Even though it can easily be used as a starting point for a great production platform, the release as-is is not suitable for for production mostly because of lack of any security protections, like firewall, ddos and brute-force attacks. If you run any decent size tracker you should plan for those scenarios. This release in-itself is intended to only see if there is any interest for such an idea and to solicit feedback.

Base Install:
xbbt tracker compiled and configured to run.
gazelle v1.0r27 installed running fine

globalfreeleeech for external links,
client whitelist

To Be Done:
Donation, Invite, Collage, Themes, Security and lots more.

Please feel free to leave your comments on whether this is an useful exercise, if so, what should added/removed  from the next release.