HOW TO for PG Example Tracker VM

Now that I downloaded the VM what do i do.

Powering on the VM
1. unzip the file  to a seperate folder
2. downoad and install vmware workstation/player/fusion
3.Open the Debian 5.vmx file with vmware app and power on the VM

Accessing the Website
4. Once the VM is up and running, log into it using the root account (username root, password gazelle)
5. find out the ip address of the vm by running “ipconfig”. This is assuming the VM is connected to a network that has a dhcp server (usually a router or dsl modem) up and running.
6. Open your browser and point to the ip address of the VM, for example to access your gazelle website. You can also access the vm using ssh.

Configuring the tracker
7. “cd /etc/xbtt” and then type “xbtt_tracker”. this will start the tracker.
8. By default the tracker is bound to ip, if your ip address is different you have the change it on the xbttdb.
mysql -u root -pgazelle
use xbttdb
select * from xbt_config;
update xbt_config set value = 'Your_Servers_IP' where value = '';

btw the hope is to fix the configuring tracker with some webui in the next release. and probably ship phpwebmin to ease db updates and edits.

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